Tree stump removal and stump grinding in hard to access places can be a challenge. Trees can grow in all sorts of interesting places on your property and leave you scratching your head how you are going to get rid of them. As a stump remove company, we have just about seen it all and regularly get presented with a tree stump removal and stump grinding job where the stump is in a hard to get at location.
Some examples of tree stump removal and stump grinding in interesting places are;
- In Raised gardens.
- On steep banks.
- Hard up against a house or other structure.
- In planters and big pots.
- In gardens surrounded by other plants you want to keep and where you don’t want them damaged and using a bigger machine would be impractical.
Using The Right Tree Stump Removal and Stump Grinding Machinery:
The solution to this problem is to use a very specialized Tree Stump Removal machine. It’s called the Alpine Stump Grinder and it’s a really valuable piece of kit. Back in the early days of the business, I noticed that there was a really big gap in the market for a specialized machine that could do a great job of tree stump removal and stump grinding in hard to get at locations. Most of the machines available locally were either one-off home built machines or you had to use attachments for use on existing gear. None of these options was really satisfactory so I began the search for a purpose-built stump grinding machine that was designed specially to remove stumps in locations where a bigger machine can’t be used or is impractical to use. I finally found the Alpine magnum Stump grinder,, and imported one into New Zealand. It turned out to be a real game-changer in terms of all the new jobs I could now do and existing jobs that I could do so much better. I loved it so much that I got the Agency for it and now sell the Alpine to other Tree Services companies and support them with providing parts and consumables.
When it comes to Tree Stump Removal I am always looking for new and better ways to do things. When I discover that something can be improved, whether it is a machine, a process, new software that adds value to the way the business operates, I will explore those options and trial them until I find the right solution that solves the original problem.
Back to the Alpine. Here’s an example of a Tree Stump Removal job than show case’s what a great piece of gear it is. This Job was to grind out a big Phoenix Palm stump that was in a raised garden and was surrounded by a nice French Hedge that the client didn’t want to be damaged. Also, the client wanted all the grindings taken away. I put two staff members with two Alpine Stump Grinders on the job. The machines are portable and can be carried and lifted up to the raised garden fairly easily. They operate in a small space and with careful use by the operator can grind away a big stump like this without damaging the surrounding plants and trees. In this job, we used our bin truck to cart all the grindings away and the site was left pristine.
Need a stump removed from an awkward spot? No problem! For tight places and small areas, just call Stump Busters for a free, no-obligation quote on 0800 456 025 or fill out the form down below.